Tuesday, August 25, 2020

ICT tools for Online Teaching

ICT tools for Online Teaching 

Due to COVID-19, education has taken sudden shift to virtual teaching. Many teachers are facing problems in identifying useful tools for online teaching. during the lock-down, I have conducted 3 Faculty development Programs for teachers across the country and trained more than 17000 teachers. Also I have delivered more than 25 talks in various webinars and FDPs regarding the efficient use of ICT tools in online teaching. 
So  whatever information I have,  sharing here for the benefit of teachers.

1.  Handle online lectures using pen tablet, Xournal++,free screen recorder, mouse highlighter: https://youtu.be/lDyBJysVWDU

2.       Microsoft teams, onenote, obs: https://youtu.be/PzgyQ0WpigQ

3.       Design your own website for free : https://youtu.be/znhZvSe9eIo

4.       Moodle in one hour: https://youtu.be/YbJF2uR1Zyk

5.       Google forms :https://youtu.be/wJ3S4JO_NrA?t=1

6.       Google form quiz:https://youtu.be/J5kScJO4yLU?t=1

7.       Microsoft Forms: https://youtu.be/ljjqCij75AY

8.       Google Forms Vs Microsoft Forms:  https://youtu.be/dKqObxrbzVU

9.       Testmoz:https://youtu.be/pCjIOfDhK40

10.   Google classroom:https://youtu.be/J2zVy1dVcco

11.   Edmodo :https://youtu.be/sy1li92J_3I

12.   OBS for online lecture and live streaming: https://youtu.be/1hnmwePfNcg

13.   Zoom and Google Meet: https://youtu.be/zwWsWe_py9w

14.   AutoCrat for Certificate generation: https://youtu.be/lJLi1pWc7jo

15.   Libreoffice Mail Merge for Certificates: https://youtu.be/OA67gJfjcXo

16.   Certifyem for Certification generation: https://youtu.be/BCPT3Zvhjl0

17.   Design and send your own certificate using Certify’em: https://youtu.be/x6h-BNAffns

18.   Question and Answers on Google, Microsoft Forms, Testmoz: https://youtu.be/xWKJsLrO0Do

19.   Question and Answers on Google Classroom and Edmodo: https://youtu.be/yf_wYRBL48Y

20.   Question and Answers on OBS, Zoom, Google Meet: https://youtu.be/7VUEQECmBSw

21.   Question and Answers on Autocrat and Mail Merge: https://youtu.be/1ChJtPDchUw

22.   Online Evaluation tools: https://youtu.be/Kgas0zBVH1s

23.   Valedictory program: https://youtu.be/r94z1LLtI18

24.   Inaugural Program: https://youtu.be/dsIDC0Oggaw

25.   OBS in Hindi : https://youtu.be/StWEcmyHM3A

26.   Google Forms for Administration :https://youtu.be/171v9gtM7lE

27.   Google forms for Administration  in Marathi: https://youtu.be/YlJPNEgbouA

28.   Google forms and Classroom: https://youtu.be/5f-e9XqQW5w


  1. Great Sir. It helped me a lot in teaching math.

  2. We all teacher fraternity or all academicians are very much thankful for your continuous support, teaching new ICT tools. We all really appreciate your devotion for whole teaching fraternity.
    Thanks a lot Sir
